Osséopraxie ®
Orthopedic and neuro-functional medicine.
(8 courses of 2 days)
1st class
1. The method (history, definition)
2. The 4 concepts:
The “Nevemm” ® concept (Neuro Vegetative Manuel Medecine)
The spheno-praxia®.
3. Tissue osseopraxy.
4. Tissue "lesions".
5. Treatments and protocol:
- Gastralgia.
6. Results - statistics - discussions.
2nd class:
1. Etiologies leading to osseopraxic treatments.
2. Neurological osseopraxy
3. Tissue rhythm "disorders *".
4. The "lesions *" of the neuro-vegetative pathways.
5. The techniques of osteopraxic treatment according to the clinic.
6. Treatments and protocols:
- Irritable and spastic colon.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Migraines.
7. Results - statistics - discussions
3rd course:
1. Spheno-praxie®:
Incidence of sphenoid "lesions" on chronic pathologies.
The neuro-vegetative consequences.
Correction techniques according to pathologies.
2. Bone osteopraxy:
Importance of orthology in the relationship between tissue chains.
Bone and joint “lesions” according to osseopraxy.
Musculotendinous "lesions".
3. Treatments and protocols:
- Chronic cystitis.
- Otitis.
- Sinusitis.
- Chronic angina.
4. Results - statistics - discussions.
5th course:
1. Visceral osteopraxia.
2. Sacred Rhythm Disorders - The Consequences.
3. Treatments and protocols:
The syndrome of "neurovegetative conflict", "Strife syndrom".
Vagal disorders.
Crohn's disease.
Recto hemorrhagic colitis.
Diverticulitis and inflammatory conditions of the colon.
Disorders of the absorption of the small intestine. Consequences.
4. Results - statistics - discussions.
6th course:
1. Osteopraxy for emotional states.
2. The "lesions *" caused by emotional shocks.
3. Bone rhythm disturbances.
4. Osteo-Ligamentous Stress (SOL).
5. Conduction disorders of the nerve pathways.
6. Conduction disorders of the sympathetic pathways.
7. Disorders of the function of the sympathetic ganglia.
8. Parasympathetic conduction disorders.
9. Treatments and protocols:
Anxiety attacks (fears, states of panic ...)
Depressive states.
Burn out.
Cognitive disorders (Concentration, memory ...)
Travel sickness.
Immune deficiency.
10. Results - statistics - discussions.
7th class:
1. Treatments and protocols:
Paralysis of the VII a frigore.
Trigeminal pain.
Undefined gingival pain.
Undefined hip pain.
Sterility of women in cases of hormonal disorders of traumatic origin or emotional.
Tests on neoplastic formations, of hyper-sympathicotone origin.
2. Results - statistics - discussions
8th class:
1. Treatments and protocols:
- Capsulitis.
- Previous conflict.
- Periarthritis.
- Undefined shoulder-arm syndrome.Epicondylitis.
Cervical hernias.
Lumbar hernias.
Glaucoma in young adults.
Visual disturbances.
Prostate adenoma (findings).
Roncopathies and sleep apnea.
Diabetes Considerations II.
Considerations on cholesterolemia.
2. Results - statistics - discussions
Hugues JAQUET , M.D, D.O, Ph.D.
Médecin osséopraxe, hyperbariste (plongée) et de la marine marchande.
Médecine neuro-fonctionnelle et neuro-végétative.
Fondateur de la méthode
Cabinet à Clarens
T: +41 79 292 81 57